Multiple Index errors affecting two 1900 Census sheets
There is a household of 7 persons named WALSH that span two sheets but are not connected. Further, on Row 99 of the first of two sheets, the household head in Margaret. Row 100 should be her daughter Mary (actually her step-daughter), but the index data from 99 is repeated for Row 100, making it impossible to "find" Mary. I tried to fix this latter issue but was unsuccessful. How can all this be rectified? The first sheet is: or (image)
@N Tychonievich for the engineers, please and thanks. Another instance of the 1900 census continuing problem.
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@MichaelLuebbers Thank you for the report. And thank you VERY MUCH for including the URLs so we can quickly see the problem. We have reported this to our engineers. Since we know they are dealing with many issues right now regarding various record sets, we cannot predict how long it will take for a correction to be in place.
While you wait for the index to be corrected, here is how you can use the census image itself as a source for your family in Family Tree\
1. Open the image image (probably will be best to use the first of the 2 pages the household spans)
2. On the top-right of the image viewer, click Source Box and then Add to My Source Box.
Now you have a couple of choices. You can open your source box and attach the census to names you find using the search feature. Or you can find each household member in Family Tree and create a new source from source box there. Both are more steps than using the Attach button in an index, but not difficult. Here are links to articles from our Help Center that provide details. If you get confused along the way, feel free to leave a new comment to ask for more help.
This one details how to attach by first going to the Source Box.
This one describes how to create a source from the Tree Record. It is assuming you are going to create the source using a URL, but one of the options after you click Add Source on a person’s Sources page is Attach from Source Box.
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I'm not sure I understand. Who are these three individuals in the photo? Could they be John Welch/Walsh and his wife Margaret and their son William? I have been told they immigrated to the United States in 1850 but I have not found the passenger list or other evidence.
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Mod note - vague comment has been removed.