Question about "Discovery Page".

I've noticed that Discovery Page features are not available for all ancestors.
Does anyone know how I can have a discovery page set up for this ancestor? (LK3M-7FN)
Do I need to fill out specific information to have the new discovery version? I'm not sure why this ancestor has the new discovery page and the other does not.
Best Answer
I have no idea how or why profiles are chosen, but you can "force" a public page by pasting the ID into the URL of an existing public page, in place of the ID that's there and any text after it. For example, go to
In your browser's address bar, select everything after "" and paste LK3M-7FN in its place to get
and hit Enter.
After a few seconds, this will resolve into
Ta-dah: the desired profile's public version, newly-generated just for you.
Thank you for your kind response :)