Utica, NY Asylum
I'm research James Stubbs. His date of birth was 7/17/1899. His birth information on all records indicates that he was born in Utica, NY. He and his family lived in Fall River, MA. His parents also lived there before he was born. Massachusetts and NY are not showing him being born in either state. My guess is that his mother may have been sent to Utica for mental reasons and he was born at the hospital. Is there a way to confirm it? I already paid money to get a birth record directly from Utica, NY and another request for the State of NY. Utica replied no record and it's been 4 months and I haven't gotten any information from the State of NY. Is there a way to access records of who may have been a patient at the hospital during a certain period of time?
Best Answer
@DonnaMAgner1 I located James Stubbs in the FamilySearch Family tree as PID KLZ5-65Y. The first source attached is
James Stubbs
Collection: Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915
Name:James StubbsEvent Type:BirthEvent Date:17 Jul 1899 •
Event Place:Utica, New York •
Sex:MRace:WhiteFather's Name:Walter Stubbs
Father's Birthplace:England •
Mother's Name:Rachel Melville
Mother's Birthplace:Scotland •
There is a viewable image attached. Are you expecting to find something different?
You can locate him by clicking family tree, Person, find, and enter KLZ5-65Y
James Stubbs (1899–Deceased) | Person | Family Tree | FamilySearch