When can I begin reviewing records indexed by others?
You can review indexing when you have 1000 records indexed. It will be automatic but may take a few days to show up. You will begin to see a review button with the index button when you select a batch to do.
"You qualify to review records after you index 1,000 records in the indexing system. Then, you begin to see the Review button when you search for a batch to index or review.
As you index, learn to do the following:
- Read project instructions and field helps to make your information as accurate as possible. Every project is different.
- Find every record on each image according to the directions given in the project instructions. Add entries as needed.
- Ask for help. Share your batch with another indexer if you have questions. If you do not have help locally, you can contact FamilySearch.
After you have indexed 1,000 records, you will automatically be given access to review batches. The permission process takes a day or two.
To locate your indexing total, go to the Indexing page:
- Find the Progress chart.
- Beneath the chart, click Projects.
- See "Web totals" with the quantity of records you have indexed."
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