FamilySearch Volunteers Have Indexed Over 500 Million Records • • FamilySearch Blog
FamilySearch Volunteers Have Indexed Over 500 Million Records • • FamilySearch Blog
New France, Italy, and Jamaica Projects Added to Start 2011 It is quite amazing to think it all started in 2006. That was when FamilySearch …
Пожалуйста помогите мне ознакомиться с дубликатами лютеранских метрических книг ев.-лютеранской церкви города Гдова Санкт-Петербургской губернии России за периоды 1886-1892 и 1893-1898 годы. Ведь они у Вас имеются, но не подлежат широкой огласке. Податель запроса L22-33498, Евгений.
Google Translate - Russian to English:
Please help me to get acquainted with the duplicates of the Lutheran metric books of the Jewish Lutheran Church of the city of Gdov, St. Petersburg province of Russia for the periods 1886-1892 and 1893-1898. After all, you have them, but they are not subject to wide publicity. Requester L22-33498, Eugene.