Online access to film #4945138?

Is there any timeline for online availability for microfilm rolls? The later records for the parish of Ilava, Slovakia are available for rental on microfilm at a Family History center, but that is the only film of the church records for Ilava that is not available online. Is there some reason it cannot be accessed on the site, or any timeline for its availability?
Microfilm is no longer distributed ("rental") to Family History Centers. That service ended in 2017.
The film reel icon now indicates that the item you wish to view is cannot be viewed where you are - at home, for example. Since that film contains records as recent as 1950, it is likely restricted for reasons of personal privacy of the living.
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@John Batzko, Unfortunately, there is no information that would suggest when film (DGS) 4945138 might be available for online viewing. Note that there are 6 items on the film - if any item creates a reason not to be able to publish the digital version, all items are barred as well.
Looking at the Catalog pages that include this film, there appears to be another issue: there is no Item 4. This may be simply a error in the catalog Film/Digital Notes.
Contracts are reviewed regularly; it is possible that, in the future, this film will be available online.
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@Mike357 When I accessed Film #7949318 through the catalog it shows with a camera with a key over it icon. This is normally restricted to viewing in a Family History Center and/or affiliate library. However when I opened the film, this is not them message it gave me. It gave me the "Image Unavailable" message. In the past this was a different problem and the film had to be reloaded. Could you check this again and make sure we do not need to send it up to technicians?
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@Mike357 - Item 4 is definitely there.
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The original query is about #4945138
However the last two responses above are about #7949318, which seems to me to be a typographical error on the part of the moderator who first mentioned this DGS number.
For #4945138 items 1-3 is on the catalog page
and item 5-6 is on the catalog page
As did Mike357, I do not see item 4 and the icons shown are microfilms, meaning not available.
Items 1-3 show the wording "Krsty 1888-1898 Konvertiti 1896-1934 Manželstvá 1861-1903 Úmrtia 1862-1900 Zoznam krstov 1820-1924".
As some records are through to 1934 I suspect that these records are restricted for privacy reasons. Possibly they may become available digitally in 2034.
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Whoops, my mistake, glad it is all explained correctly.