BUG - Searching the family tree is also broken

I gave up on searching records some time ago, but I had been limping along by searching the family tree.
I was trying to find Maria Elsabein Apke, M2HQ-PGG
I searched for last name: Ap*; birth: Versmold, 1751-1751. She was no where in the list of hits. I tried variations on her name, such as "Apke", or just "Maria". I tried searching based on her mother's name.
There were some ridiculous hits, but she never came up. A few of her siblings did come up. When I looked at them, she was there listed as one of the siblings. But the search still does not find her.
Um, yeah, I can confirm that Find is totally and utterly borked. It cannot find Maria Elsab. Apke no matter what I do. I have checked the profile, and the christening date and place are correctly standardized, and the name is entered in the correct fields. None of the fields have been changed in the past decade.
I searched for First Names = "Maria Elsab." (exact), Last Names = "Apke" (exact), Birth Place = "Versmold*" (exact), and Birth Year (Range) = 1751 to 1751 (https://www.familysearch.org/search/tree/results?count=100&q.birthLikeDate.from=1751&q.birthLikeDate.to=1751&q.birthLikePlace=Versmold%2A&q.birthLikePlace.exact=on&q.givenName=Maria%20Elsab.&q.givenName.exact=on&q.surname=Apke&q.surname.exact=on).
I got 487 results, none of them actually matching the inputs except for the surname.
Somehow, in FamilySearch's parlance, exact matches to "Maria Elsab." include Marie Elisabeth, Johann Henrich, Cathrina Maria, John. Wilhelm, Johan Christoffer, Alexandrina Hedwig, Catrine Willhelmine Charlotte, Anna Marg., Jost Herm., Catharina Marg., Cath. Maria, Marie Gerdrut, and Johan Peter.
In FamilySearch's branch of mathematics, birth or christening dates of 1800, 1757, 1705, 1749, 1710, 1765, 1797, 1692, 1764, 1762, 1759, 1731, and 1708 all somehow fit into a birth year range of 1751 to 1751. In fact, the only matches to "1751" in those 487 results are the two search inputs, and one result on the second page who has a sibling born in that year.
For the birthplace, on the first page there are two results for people who got married there (one of them twice), but nobody who was born or baptized there. On pages 2 to 5 of the results, the only match to "Versmold" is the search input.
This is beyond ridiculous and well into nonsensical. Find is just randomly spitting out people with the right surname, and completely ignoring every other input. FamilySearch, what is going on?
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I agree this another example of the FIND function failing. I initially thought it might be the abbreviation with the period in the second name but if I search for Marg. Agnes. Apke M2HX-WQD using the name 1856 for the date and just Prussia for the location the record comes up number 1. Thus the conclusion that there is a major bug specific to Maria Elsab. Apke M2HQ-PGG