What Is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? • • FamilySearch Blog

What Is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? • • FamilySearch Blog
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a monument that serves as a resting place for unidentified U.S. soldiers who died in combat. Learn more here.
In the last paragraph above, you say: "Take an extra moment on Veteran's Day to remember their lives and sacrifices." From what I have been reading on blogs today (Memorial Day 5/30/22), Veteran's Day is for living veterans and Memorial Day is for those who gave their lives. Do you want to check on this with someone who would have knowledge of the difference of these 2 days, and perhaps make a change in your info. above, to accurately reflect that it is Memorial Day that we remember the deceased veterans? Thanks, Jan Ordos Lacey, WA
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Thank you so much for this article! I had no idea. Now I feel even more love and respect for our great nation, its peoples, its freedoms as we celebrate the great sacrifice and lives given for our freedom. I pray we can do our part to honor God and those who fought so bravely. Who gave their all for us. God Bless America!
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Thank you for your question. Memorial Day honors military who died while in service. Veteran's Day honors all who honorable served (living and deceased).
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Question: Are the remains buried under the 3 slabs on the ground or inside the large white crypt structure? Its driven me crazy for years.
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"The Unknown Soldier from World War I lies underneath the large sarcophagus. World War II and Korean War unidentified service members lie in two crypts in front of the sarcophagus. An empty third crypt represents missing service members from Vietnam." See this link from the U.S. Department of Defense for more information.