⭐NEW⭐ Updated Community Code of Conduct
We have recently updated our Community Code of Conduct. Please take a moment to review it. Our Code of Conduct is designed to promote a positive experience in our community and be sure it is a safe space for all.
I understand the frustration that happens within some of the FamilySearch products and processes. Please know that we value your feedback, even when it is negative but that doesn't justify poor behavior. Complaints can still be made in kind way. We are striving for a positive atmosphere where everyone feels safe to share and learn together and we ask that you comply with our Code of Conduct.
Thanks to all of you for being here!
Samantha Sulser - FamilySearch Community Manager
"Post as if you were communicating with your dear grandmother. If you wouldn’t say it to her, then don’t post it."
Perhaps most of us should give up if this is part of the criteria! Now if this were to be amended to "your closest friend" that might be fair enough.
I don't think I ever said anything to upset my wonderful grandmother. On the other hand, she never made my life so difficult that I could scream in frustration. And if I ever asked her I question she would always give me an answer - not condemn me for speculating on a perfectly valid matter.
If FamilySearch engineers would treat me with the respect my grandmother showed to me that would be fine. But they refuse to talk with me / us and have ignored all our pleas to revert to the excellent quality website we had here until a short while back.
Respect and kindness is a two-way thing: please don't forget that when we make reasonable attempts to gain responses to queries on matters that are currently making our use of the website quite exasperating.
I expect you will remove this post, but please accept that for the code of conduct to work the process must work both ways. I do not expect to see rudeness from certain moderators and a complete lack of responses from employees that has been become common practice since this "Community" forum has been set-up.
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@Paul W I'm not going to remove your post. It's a very valid and nicely written comment. I don't mind that members disagree or are frustrated. I only care that we share that with kindness and respect.
You are absolutely correct and I am working to turn that ship around. FamilySearch does not have enough presence in its own community. I have some super fun ideas that I can't wait to start here. I have a few things on my priority list that I must get done first BUT I am working on a plan that will provide you guys with better information around what we are doing and why we are doing it. We are going to get better at communicating with you.
You are also correct that it goes both ways and that starts with me. I am here in this community. I'm listening and answering and trying to help. 😐 While some might not like what I do sometimes, I try very hard to be kind and respectful. Our moderation processes and training are getting a revamp as I type so that attitude is reflected by anyone bearing the moderator title. I am trying to make our community a better place for all of us!
Sam 😊
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Paul, thank you for expressing in a concise manner what so many of us feel - frustration is a human emotion, and i am not always successful at calming down quickly - so i appreciate people like you who can put the words together
Sam, thank you for your kind acknowledgment of his comment, and for helping in all that you do - we are an active bunch, just wanting to sit down to our computer and be productive in the 10 minutes we have before running out the door - and i hope that the comments on all these topics are only helpful, and not hurtful to the arduous task of pleasing everyone, a task I would never like to have
i have looked through many of the posts and have not found several of my concerns mentioned - do i make separate posts for each issue? or can i make one post with several issues as "bullet points"?
again, thank you both for everything
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I am grateful for your kind comments. With regards to posting your concerns, I believe Sam will concur that it is always best to raise a separate post for each topic, as different people (whether ordinary users or the FamilySearch engineers) have an interest in different matters. So, keeping them separate will help focus on the individual issues and more likely lead to constructive responses.
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thank you Paul
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Thanks @Paul W! Yes, I would agree. It makes it easier for others to follow the conversation. Separate topics is best. Sam
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The new Code states To sign one has to post their picture. I object to signing in with my picture. Why can't I use an image of a female and not my picture? That was the way it used to be an image. From the Old School.
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Perhaps you can explain / provide a link to where you are seeing this "new Code". I have never had to post a picture in order to sign in, so please elaborate.
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Muy interesante gracias