Reference Images
While completing a page of a book of Personal Estates of deceased individuals, a portion of one individuals' data is recorded on the next page. There is no arrow or area to click to get to the next page. When I click the reference images task bar there's a warning. Do I ignore the red "For Reference Only Do Not Index" warning or continue to finish the 20 of 30 entries? Do I submit the 16 and see if the rest of the next pages appear to finish the batch?
Best Answer
It is best to share the batch code to get the most accurate answer. The batch code is the series of letters and numbers in brackets after the project title. But, it sounds like you have a record that spans two images. You can learn more about these in the General Indexing Guidelines section of the Project Instructions.
You would only use the reference image to finish the last individual's entry in your batch. The batches are preset with many entry forms. Once you have indexed all the information from your batch, you delete the unused entry forms using the trash can icon. Click on the trash can, select "all blank entries", click delete. Now you can submit the batch.
Thank you Melissa S. Himes