I am indexing a batch that says for your reference do not index and Im already on 17 of 30
It looks like you've started to index one of the reference images that are either side of the one you should be indexing. This will have been assigned to someone else to index, so best to click on the bottom of the four white on black vertical icons on the top left of your image (it looks like an open book), and at the bottom of the page, select the one that says 'My Batch'.
Sometimes, the 'My Batch' heading goes slightly off pitch, but you can always check at the bottom of the image and make sure that it doesn't say 'For Reference, Do Not Index' in red.
Unless the reference is a copy of image assigned, you will need to clear what you have entered and start over - sorry.
Thanks for the great work you are doing.
Kind regards,
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i suspect that you have extra empty entries after indexing all the records on your batch image and probably need to delete the extras using the trashcan icon in the middle of the horizontal toolbar. But, for the most accurate answer (we don’t want to rely on my guess), please post the Batch Code for your batch. It looks like MXXX-XXX (letters and numbers) and you’ll find it at the end of your batch’s name inside brackets [. ]. Using it a Helper can look at your batch, be sure of the problem, and give you the best answer.
If I’m correct, then you only need to delete any entries you made from the reference images that Barry mentioned, plus any remaining extra blank ones beyond those needed for your batch image. In general only index from your batch images (unless you have a record that continues into a reference image).
Each project provides a default number of empty entries with each image, in your case it sounds like 30 blank/empty entries were provided. That does NOT mean that you must use them all for your particular batch. Sometimes 30 will be too many, and you’ll delete the extras. Sometimes 30 are too few and you’ll need to add some using the + sign icon to the left of the trashcan. 30 is just a guess as to what you might need.
Please post your Batch Code whenever you ask a question about a specific batch.
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I am curious - Do the moderators have access to the batches in question without the inquirer sharing a batch code? In other words, when you say "It looks like you've started to index one of the reference images that are either side of the one you should be indexing." does that mean that you actually were able to look at the batch and can see that the indexer has started indexing the reference image?
It will save a lot of wasted time if we know whether moderators can see the batches without a code and the regular users don't have to guess the answers.
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Sorry for the confusion. Bad choice of words on my part. On reflection, it would have been better to have said that 'It sounds like' or 'seems like'.
Hope you were able to sort the problem.
Kind regards,
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We sometimes WISH we had access but we don't. Darn.
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So odd - I seem to recall in the recent past that the moderators were responding with very specific information about batches when no batch code was shared. Have they perhaps removed that authority?
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Nothing special on my access that I am aware of - more's the pity. 😞
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Melissa, to your general point, I think I remember an instance a while ago when a Moderator appeared to know which batches a volunteer had checked out.
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Thank you, John. I didn't think my memory had failed me quite yet. I vividly recall that a moderator knew ALL the batches that the inquirer had checked out. But, perhaps "headquarters" decided there were privacy issues or they just haven't taught the moderators all the tricks yet.
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You're welcome, Melissa - you're as sharp as ever! :) Everything "behind the curtain" is very mysterious to me.