Update: August 20, 2020—New Symbol for Temple Icons with 90-Day Expiration • • FamilySearch Blog

Update: August 20, 2020—New Symbol for Temple Icons with 90-Day Expiration • • FamilySearch Blog
When you visit FamilySearch and see a green temple icon with a small clock on it, the ordinance reservation you are looking at was previousl…
RE: The description above about the green icon with a clock symbol. Does that mean a relative has to do the ordinances in person? I'm homebound so I always "share w/temple". Or does this mean that after the reservation expires the temple will do the work? if no one uses the option to do the work in 90 days the record of that person is stagnant & nothing will be done/ or does it mean that the temple knows of each of these persons with the green icon with a clock mean the work will be done eventually by the temple? Why can't a descendent share with the temple & if it's because it was already shared once why do these expire?
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Thank you for your questions. The icon with a clock symbol represents an ordinance that has been reserved by another user and shared with the shared temple list. Other users can reserve/print this ordinance to complete. However, they have only 90 days to do so, or the ordinance expires and is removed from their list and returns to its place on the shared temple list. Since the ordinance has already been shared by another user, it cannot be shared again. The user who shared the ordinance wants help in getting the ordinance done quickly. For this reason, it has a 90 day time limit. If you see an ordinance with a clock icon, you should only reserve/print if you intend to do that ordinance within 90 days.
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I cannot get the ordinances to show up when I enter names, any suggestions?
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Check your account settings - https://www.familysearch.org/identity/settings/account
Make sure that "Show Temple Options" is turned on.
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I have reserved the ordinances, then shared them with the temple and they remain blue under my name. How do I get the green clock to come up instead?
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They show blue for you (because you are the one that holds the reservation) and for others it shows the green clock icon.