Help with messaging
Woud you be so kind as to pass the following message on? I wrote it just now to Brenda Hassard. Or tell me what I need to do to contact her, as I've just read you're not accepting email replies. (I don't know how I found Brenda in the first place, but she replied and I'd like to continue the contact.)
Hello Brenda, Thanks for your enthusiastic rpely. I'm not accustomed to working with Family Search, so may have missed it, but I didn't see your attachments. However, I have an obituary for Edward too, and also newspaper clippings about Gregory from Newspaper Search (for one thing he ran for Mayor a second time but lost), the inaugural speech Gregory gave, and the humorous description of Gregory as Mayor showing city workers how to "get in there and DO it!"
Would you remind me of your relationship to the family? And if you use your everyday email address to reply, I'll use that to send you the information that I have. Some is from Dan Hart in New York, who was good at finding online sources.
The best,