yes - when you have many items in the galley it can take a long time for the gallery view to open
HOWEVER - once items are in an album - you can almost always go immediately to the album without waiting for the Gallery to finish displaying.
Thats why when I upload items - I always make sure they are uploaded directly to an ALBUM - first - before I do anything else.
"Tips" page for Memories problem
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It shows that a choice under "Actions" on my Memories Gallery page is to show
- "Move to My Archive (All Memories) – Memories moved to My Archive are no longer listed under My Memories. Archived memories are still available in albums they have been moved to and on the person pages they have been attached to.
But I am not seeing that option anywhere.
Even if I put a check mark on a photo and then drag it over to the "My archive" icon and tried to drop it over there, that photo is not put in the archive.
I have over 10,000 items in my gallery, and I am trying to move the ones I am done with linking /tagging of into the archive. I really need help
Best Answers
yes - when you have many items in the galley it can take a long time for the gallery view to open
HOWEVER - once items are in an album - you can almost always go immediately to the album without waiting for the Gallery to finish displaying.
Thats why when I upload items - I always make sure they are uploaded directly to an ALBUM - first - before I do anything else.
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. . . so in short, I dont see much value in the archive
but I do very much value moving items to categorizing albums/folders - which I can access without waiting for the full gallery to display.
There are several options to move a memory to your archive.
From your gallery select one or more memories so the check mark turns blue & becomes “active”. Click the word Actions in the upper left toolbar & select “Move to My Archive”.
Individual memories can be added to your archive from the image viewer page
The Memories app also allows you to add one or more memories to your archive.
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for me - I prefer to create ALBUMS and then place certain memory categories (such as items processed) in a given album
I really dont see the point of throwing all processed items into the "archive"
Nor do I really see the point of the archive at all. to be honest,
Rather I group my items into ALBUMS so that I DONT have to chug through 10,000 items in the gallery
I can go directly to a given album and see just what group I want.
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Hello @Miss Jessie!
Thank you so much for your splendid explanations and images!
Apparently... if a photo is already in a folder, the option for moving it to "My Archive" disappears.
I have MANY scans of Obituaries which I have placed in a folder "scanned obits". What I wanted to do is.. as I get them linked/tagged to the necessary folks, move those to the archive, thus leaving the ones I have yet to tag in the "scanned obits" folder. I hope that is not too confusing.
On my computer I have "named folders" with hundreds of items. I have been creating albums with matching names, in my family search Gallery, then doing a mass upload of everything in THAT same folder in my Gallery. THEN working on the tagging needed in EACH item in each folder.
My biggest problem is that when opening the Gallery, it takes a VERY long time to load, because of all the files. So I am hoping to move stuff I am finished tagging into the "archive" to help my Gallery open more quickly.