Starting a New Tree
This must have been asked before, but I can't find it: How do I start a new tree for a person whose digitized Family Search sources I have found, whose photos I have, and who is not related (yet) to anyone else in Family Tree? I have albums of beautiful labeled photos of the friends of my great-grandparents that I would like to upload into Family Tree. I know surreptitious ways of creating new unrelated persons, but surely there must be an honest way!
Best Answers
What a treasure! Family Tree does provide a way to add “unconnected” persons to Family Tree.
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What a satisfying answer! Thanks for this great tip.
I have an old business ledger I have inherited, and it has clients identified by name, date and town from 1832 to the Civil War. Most of these people are not relatives of mine. What I do is to look them up individually and attached the digital images I created to their memories. Do you mean to say that your photos are of people who are not yet in the FS tree?
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There is a mix. Most photos are of people not in Family Tree, but some are. In some cases, I researched the family offline until I hit a person in Family Tree, and then added the whole tree segment joining them, but I don't have the time to do that in every case.
I am thrilled with answer "Miss Jessie" supplied above. That solves my problem!