Recently I had this happen and the corrections are not being accepted by FamilySeach

Recently I had this happen and the corrections are not being accepted by FamilySeach
Someone who is not in my family and is a member of this site, marked my mother and my aunt as deceased without any documentation or proof that they are.
I found this out when I was setting up my family tree. I messaged them stating "I don't know where you got this information but I am the daughter and the niece and they are very much alive. Can you please correct this to make them "living"" To which I received a nasty response demanding an apology for questioning his addition to my family tree because he has submitted so much to this site.
My mother and aunt are still marked deceased. I have submitted reason they should not be but the site is not updating it and his information is still there. How long does it take for this to be corrected?
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
As, from "Living", to "Deceased" ...
Your Question: How long does it take for this to be corrected?
Short Answer: It used to only take a day or two; but, now, such can takes LONGER ...
With the influx, of NEW; and, "Inexperienced", people using "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch' ...
And, with the LIMITED "Resources" available to 'FamilySearch' ...
The WAIT 'Time', for ADMINISTRATIVE "Corrections", to be made/applied, has 'blown out' ...
There is a 'Backlog', of ADMINISTRATIVE work, to be done; and, such takes time, to go through; and, process.
Unfortunately ...
It really is a matter, of just being patient ...
[ Of course, easier said, than done ... ]
I know, that this certainly does not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective.