Problem-looking for Detroit MI bth/dth images -GOT Essex, Ontario,Canada film 1312061
In trying out Trainer- suggested type of search in Images, somewhat dismayed to find records mislabeled & unfindable. How can that be corrected? If it happened once ..... where else?? Mostly F.S. does good work & correcting errors really does happen!! Good luck! Judy Pickett
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The catalog only has the one Canadian entry under that film number. What led you to expect Michigan records on it?
For whatever it's worth, the catalog offers "Death records 1867-1917" ( and "Birth records 1868-1918" ( for Wayne county, Michigan. Would the record you're looking for be in one of those?
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Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try it out. In further answer to what led me to expect MI records on that film number - I was looking under "SEARCH" "Images" "MI" & it brought up list of MI Detroit Wayne images & when I clicked to look at them I got that Ontario Canada set of Images with a box at the right that showed both the Canadian references AND the MI Wayne references were supposedly there together in that set of Images. I finally took a really Good look at the images & could see that neither item 1 nor item 2 were MI. So I was wondering how would a searcher FIND the MI Wayne Images if the Images directions were wrong- doesn't direct you to the REAL MI Images? Kind of makes the "Image" type search useless-which is a sad thought. Could this kind of mistake on FamilySearch records be fixed? If it happened once....where else? I guess FS would only know if someone pointed it out (like me). Good luck! Judy Pickett
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I don't use "Search - Images" at all, because it's unusably error-ridden and under-labeled, at least for the records that I primarily work with. (It doesn't identify the denomination of church records, for example.)
Does Images currently have a "Feedback" tab anywhere? If so, you may want to use that to report this Michigan-versus-Canada error.
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I looked up the record number in the catalog and got a list of records. The notes describe the records as coming from Canada and Michigan as they relate to early Canadian History. At the bottom of the list it shows a record: "United States, Michigan, Wayne, Detroit - Church records.." When you open that list it gives church records in Detroit, Michigan. Try that and see if you find the records for which you are searching.
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Thanks, Craig - I will give that a try. ......And Julia- thank you for your honest evaluation of the efficacy of an "Images" type search. The responses of the 2 of you are the result of my trying to send a Feedback on my question to F.S. I don't know if anybody in F.S. engineering or programming reviews this forum for problems to solve. Used to be the Feedback went to some group who said they would respond in 24 hours & they DID - giving explanations & promising fixes which actually did happen., They don't do that anymore. It was the dear sweet FHC Trainer who gave us an exercise using "Images" search, & of course we could find the example he gave us , but not any that weren't already found. Interesting, but not much use in finding something NOT Already found. THANKS, folks, for trying to help me with my dilemma!! Judy Pickett