Advanced Strategies for Searching Historical Records • • FamilySearch Blog
Advanced Strategies for Searching Historical Records • • FamilySearch Blog
FamilySearch updated the search historical records page. Learn some advanced search strategies to help you find your ancestors!
Hi team,
the page in the blog entitled "advanced strategies for searching records" (Author is David Nielsen) is not displaying anything.
Croydon Ward, Melbourne, Australia
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There was an internal system error that has since been resolved. Are you still experiencing difficulties with this article?
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If I know the volume record and group number, can I search for it to see if it is in the catalog? I know it was in the Lithuanian archive.
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Yes, you can search the FamilySearch Catalog with the Image Group Number.
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Unfortunately it has been made virtually impossible to conduct a personal search of people and places by the implementation of 'so-called' improvements. Machines do not pick up on vital clues, so the researcher is never able to access the information they require. A very great loss to genealogists.
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How do we find the batch number? Has it changed since Family Tree was updated? please guide me to the batch number. Thanks.
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Is there a way to search records/collection on ship name? So many of the passenger lists aren’t indexed correctly, so you cannot find the person or family in a search, but if you know the name of the ship they came on, perhaps one could find their ancestors easier.
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How can I find Telephone Directories?
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If you mean US telephone directories, I believe they would show up in the Collections tab under Other, then United States City and Business Directories, ca. 1749 - ca. 1990 and/or United States Public Records, 1970-2009.
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This set up is diabolical.
Go back to how it was 10 or 15 years ago. straight forward.
Even the paper print out of thirty years ago was superior to his mish mash.
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In the Advanced Search section, under
"After you turn the feature on, you’ll need to click the check box next to each search field where you want an exact search to occur. In the example below, the exact search would apply to the place where the ancestor was born or died; it cannot be applied to date ranges.";
the example below shows only the Last Names box checked, not "the place where the ancestor was born or died".
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It is virtually impossible to enter a name and an exact birth date. We need a true advanced options search page. I would be willing to build it. I am a web developer.
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If only it worked as described "When you click Export Results, you download the results that you currently see on screen". It does not include all of the information shown. For an England Census 1841, it does not export the street names (Residence facts).
Is this a bug or a feature? How can I get an export to included the street names?