How do you remove an erroneous entry from your tree?

So, how do you remove an erroneous entry from your tree? And can you prevent it from happening again? Two heave noted on the entry that it’s incorrect but it’s still there. I can find no is on family search. Very frustrating.
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I can find no instructions on the site for removing an incorrect entry.
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MaryShults Most places where there is information have an edit option. Click it and you can edit information. You can remove sources, but I hesitate to do that, even when they are glaringly wrong. I think it's just me, but I do edit it and indicate the source is inappropriate and does not apply to this person.
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I can find no instructions on the site for removing an incorrect entry.
@MaryShults : You are not alone! Links to the Help Center are being rebuilt, so navigation is a challenge.
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You can remove sources, but I hesitate to do that, even when they are glaringly wrong.
I find it helps to keep in mind that we are only detaching sources; they are still there, unchanged. Also, detaching them helps them get attached to the profiles where they belong.
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I don’t understand your statement. There is nothing in the source to indicate the person belongs on my family tree. I don’t wish to Does this mean I can post Fidel Castro to my tree with a citation verifying his birthday and no one can remove him from my tree?
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I definitely look forward to the site improvements in May, although I’m sure there will be bugs to work out. I need to keep in mind that this is a free, volunteer site and be patient.
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There is nothing in the source to indicate the person belongs on my family tree.
So detach the person from your ancestors.
Even better, figure out where the person does belong and attach them there.
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Anyone can edit nearly anything in the Tree, @MaryShults, including removing Fidel Castro -- citation or no citation -- from wherever he's attached. (Including removing correct relationships, unfortunately, but such is the price to pay for an open-edit system: while there's nothing blocking corrections, there's also nothing blocking errors.)
Here are two Help Center articles on correcting the two kinds of relationships:
And here are some articles on working with sources in Family Tree:
If you're still lost after reading those, feel free to post a new question here in the Family Tree category of Community. (Go to and click the blue "+Ask a Question" button at the top of the right-hand column.) Fellow users like me and the other people who've replied to this thread will be happy to offer advice and explanations.
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Many thanks!!
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There is no need to rush when connecting people to the family tree. If you notice a similarity, study the person in detail and only when you are completely sure of the accuracy of the data make the connection. The manuscript reading program is awful. He is so arbitrary in determining the name that without a detailed analysis of the manuscript in the sources do not rush and confirm the programmatic choice of the name. This brings other people into uncertainty and affects the accuracy of the search. Use the Edit options in the sources carefully and use it only if you are completely sure of the accuracy of the data. Honestly, only a visual inspection of the source gives the correct data. Don't rely too much on search accuracy.