Where are the records?
In Denmark, Holbæk Amt, you are missing the records for Samsø Herred. Do you have them or are they not posted? They are in Danish FamilySearch.com, and O am assuming that the church filmed them.
Your IT staff is making it VERY DIFFICULT to navigate around your databases. Must be too many employees justifying their existence. If it ain't broken don't pretty it up.......
@Lynn Christiansen FamilySearch.org isn't associated with Danishfamilysearch.com. They are an awesome site and I use them alot but they are completely different sites. Which records are you specifically looking for - which parish & record type? I might be able to direct you to the correct collection. But I will say that I do 90% of my Danish research using the online Danish archives. It is easy to navigate once you understand how it is organized. The link is: https://www.sa.dk/da/. This is the Danish language link. It has more options that the English link. I have gotten to know the words but if I have issues, I right-click for an English translation of the page.
On another note, I must kindly ask that you don't disparage our employees in our community. If you would like to provide specific feedback of something you are struggling with, you can share that here and we'll make sure the engineers get the feedback.
Thanks so much!
Sam 🙂 - community manager
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You missed my point entirely. I do not understand why other sites such as Danish FamilySearch has collections available for research and when FamilySearch does not. Especially, when it was the church that initially digitized the records.
As I mentioned and identified in my initial transmittal, Danish FamilySearch has the records for Holbæk Amt with the following Hundreds (Districts) i.e. Ars, Løve, Merløse, Ods, SAMSØ, Skippinge, and Tuse. Access to their site is at URL: https://www.danishfamilysearch.com/amt10
The Church's website has the following: Ars, Løve, Merløse, Ods, Skippinge, and Tuse. SAMSØ is NOT there, Why is it missing when the Church generated the initial digital images? Access is available at: https://www.familysearch.org/search/image/index?owc=M5V5-YWL%3A357516301%3Fcc%3D2078555
BTW---I identified this deficiency at least a year ago if not longer.
To my second part, I have been doing Danish research for YEARS, at least 20 years, and it has now gotten to the point when I try to find locations on the church's website, it has become more and more difficult to get there. Even sites that I Bookmarked and saved, the Bookmarks are no longer functioning.
But, ........ the site has become "prettier"and "prettier", .........but less functional. It seems changes are being made for the 'sake of change' not functionality. Having been in business all my career, I question the need for all of the "pretty" changes and the associated costs that have only made it more difficult to maneuver through the maze of websites.
Based on the above comments, I do almost all of my research at Danish FamilySearch and only use FamilySearch for possible clarity of an image where I can change brightness and/or contrast.
Enough said.......
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The owner of the records decides which websites get to publish their records. For whatever reason, they have permitted Danish Family Search to publish their records, but not FamilySearch.
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I am not connected with FamilySearch.
I Searched in the FamilySearch Catalog using the terms Kirkebøger Samsø as keywords and got the following result
Some of the results are for microfiche and these have not yet been digitised. Some of the results indicate that the records are available to view on home computers (but you must be signed in to FamilySearch). Some of the catalog entries specifically seem to imply the records are included in the FamilySearch Collection "Denmark Church Records", and there is also a link through to the Danish National Archives website.
Use your own Search terms in the FamilySearch catalog if these are not the records you are looking for.