Make "Ordinance Ready" Buttons More Visible--add color or some such for more contrast
For an older person or a person with failing eyesight, the "Ordinance Ready" buttons are difficult to read. I was showing a 90-year-old woman how to use Ordinance Ready to take family names to the temple. She could barely see the buttons on the computer.
I suggest you add more color to the buttons to create more contrast, maybe one color for one type of ordinance, another color for another type of ordinance, etc. Also, maybe make the type inside the boxes larger.
I realize that the user can enlarge the type etc. on the browser by Command + and the like, but that still leaves the page too grey for the older person.
You might also make it possible for the user to change the theme of the webpage, much like you can do with Gmail.
In short, CONTRAST is king for computer users with less than great eyesight.
Greg Taggart