Possible Bug - continuation of Household. - surname different from Head.

Below is a screenshot of the continuation page for a Household. The Surname field (Russo) has not been carried forward by the program, and there is nowhere to fix or indicate that, so I am reporting the problem/but here.
Below is the continuation page with 7-year-old Marie (Russo), and you can see that the program has not carried the Russo name forward to the continuation page. And the Surname field, which says "Missing Field," is not editable. Having reported the problem, I will go back to the end of the "batch" again and "Save" it.
Below is the prior page with the rest of the Russo sisters (I presume): Header details in the image above should allow the programmers to find both images.
@John Empoliti , if you reported it by clicking on "Skip Household," that is the correct way to do this. Thank you.
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Hi @AndLinda . So it says "Skip Household" and not "Skipped Household?" I reported it here and moved on because I wasn't sure what to do. I have not done that many Families vs. Names, so I'll have to look out for that option.
I'm doing a family now and see the Skip Household button. Why isn't there (or is there?) in-context help as to what that button does? I saw your response to another question in which a Reviewer found an "orphan" person that probably should have been associated with a prior household. Why is that button called "Skip Household" instead of "Skipped Household?" When I get to that place again, I'll experiment with "Skip Household" to see what it offers.
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I'm doing a family now and see the Skip Household button. Why isn't there (or is there?) in-context help as to what that button does? I see your response to another question in which a Reviewer found an "orphan" person that probably should have been associated with a prior household. Why is that button called "Skip Household" instead of "Skipped Household?" When I get to that place again, I'll experiment with Skip Household to see what it offers.
I now see why it's labeled "Skip Household." It triggers special treatment by the support staff. For the record, here is what happens when someone selects "Skip Household" and Other: