New Free Historical Records on FamilySearch: Week of 7 February • • FamilySearch Blog

New Free Historical Records on FamilySearch: Week of 7 February • • FamilySearch Blog
FamilySearch expanded its archives in Feb 2022 with more for US City and Business Directories, and new records for Switzerland, the Philippines, Brazil and more. Come see what's new!
No Polad/Polish
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Looking for records from Poland 1850-1900
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looking for records of Beryl Beim in Buenos Aires around 1900
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@kkopycinski @roxanneettinger1 @PeggyGlidewell @NatalieWojtowicz
This article lists new record collections that have been added recently. For record availability for the areas you are inquiring about check out these resources: You can search Record Collections to find all transcribed/indexed records. If you don't find what you're looking for there, I recommend exploring the Historical Record Images that have not been transcribed/indexed yet. You may also find what you are looking for in the FamilySearch Catalog. Also make sure to check out the FamilySearch Research Wiki.
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Death records for New Orleans La
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Only Ontario Canada, what about the rest of th3 country?
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Thank you volunteers for all of the work you have done. It is truly appreciated. Thank you Family Search for all that you do.
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Looking for tax Assessment Records for Matilda Township, Canada West. Thank you
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Thank you Family Search for all that you do.
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Indexing of Dominican Republic records was a great gift. Found my great grandmothers baptism certificate which I have been searching for a long time. Great job! Thanks
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You have a problem with the Louisiana Directories confused with Baltimore.
Jacquelyn Milan
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Are all these people related to me.? Iam still trying to get more information on the Lane part my family members on my moms side, And the Mayes side on my Dad side or if we are related to the ones that the name mays is related to us also.
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This is great news. Hope you are working on Italian records for the TROLIO and FRATAMICO families Castelmauro, Campobasso, Molise, Italy and the DELL'ARCIPRETE and BUCCIARELLI families from Guardiagrele, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy.
Thank you for your hard work😉
Emmett Trolley Diehl
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Looking for marriage /birth/death certificates from Elliott county, KY - Sparks family. Also looking for information from Poland.
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Would like records in San Diego ca on churches and grave sites