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Want to know more about your family? Learn all there is to know about the FamilySearch Family Tree and how to use it!
Question, I have a line back to the Mayflower with both sides of my family, initially the majority of presidents and such were on my mothers side. The I finally discovered all of my fathers ancestors, and now many of those famous people have transferred to my Fathers side. I know we are related on both sides but why now will only one line show up?
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The relationship feature on FamilySearch shows the user the closest relationship.
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How do I prevent someone from changing my ancestors information, that I put up? It is annoying!
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How can i found my father's recrd when i dond have any impormation about him
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I’ve been active on family search for years, how can I find out if I’m on the shared family tree or private tree?
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looking for any information on James Gilchrist born 1853 in Ireland. The 1905 cesus show he was living in Brooklyn New York.
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Searched famous ancestors. At the top it shows a woman marked Mother and 2 men one on each side marked Fathers. I would expect this means Mother had 2 husbands. However the dates don't jive. One of the men was not even born before the Mother's death date. Can someone enlighten me?
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FamilySearch Support regarding any research questions. They can be a great resource with specific family line and research questions you may have.
The famous relatives feature of the website links to your tree. First confirm the dates on your free are correct by searching out sources that prove birth and death dates in your tree, then when it links to the famous relatives, it should be correct. If you need help, consider making an appointment with0 -
Hello. I rarely do research on Family Search as I find it very confusing. But I'm a bit frustrated right now because during, and right after, the recent 2024 RootsTech I had received emails regarding some "Famous Relatives". Sure, they are way back, but still fun to discover. I wanted to share this fun info with other family members and now those emails are gone. When I go to the email and click on it, it now says "Page not found" and it is blank. Where did this go? How can I find it. I did find some of those "famous relatives" by clicking around on this website, but couldn't find the others that had been named in the emails that were sent to me. Now I can't find any of it. ??? I'm so confused. I don't even know if this particular spot is the place to write. Anyhow with suggestions? Thanks so much!
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@DebbieAnderson8 Thank you for your inquiry. The article, "Relatives at RootsTech 2024: Find Out Who You’re Related To!" will be a good place to start. Additional help is available at Online Genealogy Help.
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Trying to find info on Raffaelle Matragrano (1879-1917) Sister's name was Teresa Angela Spadafora (1902) Parents names were Santo Matragrano and Saveria Caputo. Thanks S. Yoskey
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Your best bet would probably be to set up a free personal consultation: Online Genealogy Help.
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I am doing Canada 1921 Federal Census (MQKR-NFW JSL) I find a deaf person labeled as “deaf-mute which is not acceptable in 21st Century. In Relationship to Head of Household no listing for deaf person. Name is Margaret Bercroft line 6. This is second deaf person in 1921 Census this week. I do it better and improved it. Thank you. Timothy Kelley.
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@KelleyTimothyJohn2 The Online Genealogy Help can help with any census questions.
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I am Felix Reforsado Rivera. Iam a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints of Polangui Branch, Polangui, Albay, Philippines since August 17, 2019. I am just starting to make my family tree and search for my ancestors. I need help.
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@FelixRivera6 Thank you for your inquiry. To help you get started, your local Family History Center is a great resource. Other free resources are available by checking in with Online Genealogy Help or Genealogy Research Help to further your research. The forum at FamilySearch Community can also help provide valuable information and assistance.
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I printed a name for baptism - the youth lost the name in the holiday wrapping. How can I reprint the name?]
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Click the Temple tab, then select "My Reservations" then identify which ordinance you want to reprint. Click the box to the left of the ordinance, then select Print and follow prompts.
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How do I replace my family tree file with an updated version? Also how do I post a note asking for information for an Addenda to Esther Woodworth-Barnes book "Huling Genealogy-Descendants of James & Margaret Huling of Newport, RI & Lewes, DE" where browsers may see it?
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@don4031 Thank you for your comment / question. The online family tree is automatically updated. Please see the free resources available by checking in with Online Genealogy Help or Genealogy Research Help to further your research. The forum at FamilySearch Community can also help provide valuable information and assistance.