Improved Name for "Navigating" in Free Research Consultations on Community Page
A simpler name is needed for this category such as "Get Started in FamilySearch" or "Getting Started in FamilySearch." The current name is not clear to those new to FamilySearch and is not inviting or user friendly.
This name change would agree with name changes such as "Get Involved...My Opportunities" or "Come Follow Me" or "Just Serve" etc.
If you want more people coming to Community and to online consultations, this name change will really help.
The Free Research Consultation link in the right-hand column goes to the booking process for an online genealogy consultation. You have to choose a topic or focus area; all but two (DNA and Navigating FamilySearch) are geographic. I don't understand what the problem is with this. Is the word "navigating" too long or difficult for some people? It has been in use on the internet since its very beginnings (remember Netscape Navigator?), and it seems to cover the offered topic quite well.