show me the steps to get connected to phoebe ajoste, cherokee woman
Could you be more specific? Are you trying to verify whether you descend from this person and need tips for Native American genealogical research? Are you a known descendent and wish to see a chart showing the relationship? Or something else?
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the connection is thru marriage as best as I can determine.. Hardyman Crews , to Stephan Scott Crews, to Harry Edgar Davis, to Edna Pearl Davis Mickey, McKelvey ( my mother) A chart showing the relationship would be most helpful... Also any info re: Ida Mae Miller Davis (my grandmother) would be appreciated...THANK YOU!!!!
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FamilySearch does not do genealogical research on request, though members of the community who have experience in Native American genealogy may be able to help you. But please give some more specific information, such as ID numbers from the FamilySearch Family Tree (FSFT)
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
As an aside ...
Provided, that there IS, an "Already", an EXISTING "Connection"'"Link", in the 'Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', between, you; and, this individual/person ...
[ But, ONLY, if there IS, an "Already", an EXISTING "Connection"'"Link" ... ]
IF, you have not already utilised such; THEN, I humbly suggest that you try ...
(BYU) RelativeFinder, which is one of a number of the, Third Party Applications, that are Certified to work with Family Tree of 'FamilySearch'.
BYU = Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah, USA (ie. the Church University).
Specifically, from the Family History Technology Laboratory, of the Computer Science Department.
Provide, one's "Ancestral" Lines, in Family Tree of 'FamilySearch', are somewhat extensive ...
Then, using (BYU) RelativeFinder, one should be able to 'see' one's "Relationship" NOT only with, "Famous People"; and, many, "Others"; but, ALSO between, (1) one's self and a "Deceased" individual/person (if, there is one of course); and/or (2) two (x2) "Deceased" individuals/person (if, there is one of course); and/or, (3) one's self and a another "Living" User/Patron (if, there is one of course).
PLUS, one can ALSO "Print" the connections/links between them.
And, it is simple, just a matter of "Signing In", with the "Credentials" of one's 'FamilySearch' Account; accepting the "Conditions"; and, the "Connection" between, "FamilySearch' and (BYU) RelativeFinder; which, then becomes a "Partner" Account, that is "Connect" to 'FamilySearch'.
(BYU) RelativeFinder digs (pun intended) a lot DEEPER in Family Tree of 'FamilySearch', than 'FamilySearch' does.
Here is direct link to (BYU) RelativeFinder:
(BYU) RelativeFinder has MANY 'Bells and Whistles', that you might find useful.
Apart from "Famous People" and "Others" ...
(BYU) RelativeFinder has some interesting options ...
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between yourself and a "Deceased" individual/person in Family Tree of 'FamilySearch'.
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between two (x2) "Deceased" individuals/person in Family Tree of 'FamilySearch'.
There is an option to see if there is a 'Connection' between ("Living" - Users/Patrons) Friends in Family Tree of 'FamilySearch'.
And ...
Explore relatives of a deceased person as if you were them by inputting their PID.
Just explore.
Good Luck.
I hope. that this may also help/assist.
ps: Caveat - Please be aware, that NOT "All" Users/Patrons, may have success; but, hopefully, many will.