Using the Search Records in FamilySearch
I am on the family members page and I click on the Search Records\FamilySearch to the right of the family names. I click on the View Records, and that section changes. When I go back to the list of records, that section goes back to the top of the list of results. Could that go back to the place where I left from, for example if I was on line 17 of the records could I return to that line.
@Phil Fetting I moved your post to suggest a idea for consideration. I can offer a suggestion that might help. When you click 'View Records' do a right click instead and open link in a new tab. This will leave your list open where you had it and then you can move to the new tab to view the record. It's not quite what you were after but it's something you can do now. Hope this helps! Sam 😊