Muster Rolls
I am doing "reviewing" for several Infantry Muster Rolls. I noticed on these new groups, that the age, sex, birth month, day, year, etc. (basically all the last fields) don't have a "blank" listed. The Indexer just tabbed past them. Is that correct? On the last one I checked, I put the blanks, then copied them all the way down. I wonder now, seeing this new one done the same way, if I was wasting my time.
Second question, isn't there a way to "hide" fields you aren't entering information for? It seemed in prior Muster Rolls, it would only show the three fields I needed to proof read. Now it shows about 20 items. Just curious. I appreciate your help! The one I was going to start is Batch No. M9NV-HGK if anyone is able to access it.
Thank you - Kathy
Best Answer
The Military Roster example also shows "Field 16 Military Service Branch" [should be, Field 17: Military Unit] including the words "of the" between units, but the field help says:
"If multiple military units were recorded, type the one associated with the highest rank. If multiple units were recorded with the highest rank, type all the units associated with that rank, in this case separating the unit names with a comma."
Incorrect Example: Company "D" of the Sixth Infantry
Correct Example: Company "D", Sixth Infantry
Follow up question. I noticed that on "reviewing" you are not able to "hide" any of the fields. Could the issue with these batches be that the Indexer should have hid them, or is that not the reason. I am training my husband to Index, so I want to tell him correctly.
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The only time we need to fill in a field with the blank is when it is a required field. Those have asterisks beside them. Fields without the asterisk have a field help instruction like: If the age was not recorded or was written as a variation of the word "unknown," press Tab to skip this field.
The field helps are important in this project, because on the Military Service Branch, if there isn't Army, Navy, etc. on the image, then the indexer is supposed to enter Not Given. There isn't a branch listed on this image.
The indexer should have written out MIssouri in the Enlistment Place since it is spelled out on the document. Again the field help provides additional instructions.
You can't hide fields in review because they want to be sure that reviewers check every field. You can move the fields around so that the fields you will be proofing are all together.
It is perfectly fine for the indexers to hide fields since they get "unhidden" when they submit the batch.
Moderators: Either the example is wrong for this project or the field helps are wrong, they have the Military Unit and the Military Service Branch confused with one another. This probably should be mentioned to headquarters even though the project is more that 75% complete.
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You guys are amazing! Thank you!
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