Help correct place

I am not sure whether I am posting this on the correct forum but your Standard places options reflect Harare (formerly called Salisbury) in Zimbabwe (formerly called Southern Rhodesia then Rhodesia) as being in Mashonaland East. It is officially in Mashonaland West and one of the main cemetaries is called Warren Hills located off the main road to Bulawayo.
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You can add your own place names to the standardized list. It can be a bit dicey though. Go to any place where you create a standardized place name, say birth, death, etc. Edit so you get into the edit mode. You will se a small blue circle with a i on it. Click it and one of the options is a link with the text (If the correct place is not listed, consider adding it to our database of places.) I'm pretty sure I've copied the link here. Follow their directions.
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' Users/Patron ...
Further to; and, in support of, what 'Gail', has already proffered ...
Here is the relevant "Knowledge Article", in 'FamilySearch':
How do I suggest a new place to FamilySearch Places?
Now ...
That Said ..
The 'Places', in the "Place Names" Database, in 'FamilySearch', is an ONGOING 'Work in Progress' ...
[ That will, most likely, NEVER end ... ]
And, NEEDS a LOT of WORK ...
As such ...
For, current; and, future, reference ...
There are options, that are available, for us, to help/assist, IMPROVE, the "Place Names" in 'FamilySearch':
[ 1 ] Firstly ...
Submit "Requests" for both,
(1) the Addition of, NEW "Place Names"; and/or,
(2) Amendment of/Correct to, EXISTING.
'Places', in the "Place Names" Database, in 'FamilySearch', though the
"Place Names" Database, in 'FamilySearch':
(1) NEW
When you have a "Place" ...
By selecting: Improve This Place
OR ...
[ 2 ] Secondly ...
There is a specific 'Group', in the "Groups" Section of this Forum; where, "Requests" for both, (1) the addition of, NEW "Place Names"; and/or, (2) the amendment of/correct to, EXISTING "Place Names". in the "Place Names" Database in 'FamilySearch', can be submitted.
That 'Group' is monitored by the "Authorities Team", of the "Standards Team", of "Research Places", of the "Place Names" Database, in 'FamilySearch".
Please be aware that you will need to "Join" a 'Group', to post in a 'Group'.
That specific 'Group' being:
"Groups" Section
FamilySearch Places
Help us improve our database of places. Unable to find a place in the Family Tree? Find a place that is misspelled or has other data errors? Come here to share those issues so they can be fixed.
OR ...
[ 3 ] Finally ...
Through, a direct "E-mail", to the [ "Authorities Team" ] "Standards Team", in 'FamilySearch':
Any, is acceptable and appropriate.
The choice is yours.
[ I have used, BOTH the first two options, quite successfully ... ]
Good Luck.
I hope, that this may also help/assist, somewhat.