Where do we send these guest comments to thanking contributors to "enhancing ancestors"?

Before I "thank" these people, I'd like to see what their contributions were....
who are these People?....There was no one listed to say thank you to. So it was not a good experience but if a name or two had been there it would have been nice to say thanks....
How do I know which of my ancestors has been "enhanced"? I would like to review the changes....I would like to see who contributed to which person's record. It would share with me in which part of the tree each person is interested.
Where can we find changes these people have made??... How do I see what they added???????
I am not sure what "Ancestors enhanced" really means. Have I helped the members or have they helped me? If they have helped me, how can I check what they have added/deleted/changed?
I don't understand who these people are and are there changes made to my existing information without my knowledge or consent? I have noticed changes, additions, etc. that were made that I haven't agreed with. How can I send them a thank you when I don't know what they've done or whether I would agree with their information.
What experience? How did these people contribute to my tree?
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
Firstly ...
You CAN suggest, that the Users/Patrons, use the available "Feedback" link/'Button', on the actual page/screen of:
A "Notification", 'FamilySearch', under the 'Category' of "Discoveries"; being, "Thank Contributors" ...
Secondly ...
This "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, is ONE place, to refer the Users/Patrons; plus, suggest that they should consider, submitting their OWN 'Comments'; and, to "Participating" ...
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
And, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective.
As an aside ...
Finally ...
So that we may better be able to help/assist ...
I have to ask ...
As has been asked, is some of your PREVIOUS posts, in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Question: WHO are these (so-called) "Guests", to which you refer.
[ And, WHERE are they from ... ]
▬ Users/Patrons, contacting, 'FamilySearch' "Support", through "Contact Us"...
▬ Users/Patrons, of the "Family History Library", (FHL), in "Temple Square", in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA ...
▬ Users/Patrons, of a "Family History Centre", of the Church, from somewhere around the World ...
▬ Maybe, Users/Patrons, of an "Affiliate Library", from somewhere around the World ...
▬ Even, Members of a, Ward/Branch/Stake/District, of the Church, from somewhere around the World ...
▬ OR, somewhere else
Can you please advise/clarify.
'Thank You', in advance.
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From guests to FamilySearch reference to thanking contributors for "enhancing ancestors"
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Guest suggestion how to improve "enhancing ancestors" experience