A Viewer For Windows (AV4W) version 1.6
Rob Latour has released A Viewer For Windows version 1.6. Here is a link to the website. Please watch the video to see how the new release works. He mentioned me but mangled my name slightly, pronouncing it EmpoTELLI instead of EmpoLETTI. But all is forgiven, Rob.
Rob has introduced a tree structure with this release, and I have created many new Sharpening filters with intuitive and simplified names to take advantage of it. I posted them as a zip file on Rob's community forum. Here is the link to my post.
Here are a couple of screenshots of how those filters look inside AV4W before and after clicking on the name of the first one. The "weaker" filters/effects (lower blur radius) are nearer the top and the stronger toward the bottom, and within each filter family, the higher the "amount," the stronger the effect.
I also have a "Dummy" pair of filters called Smart Deblur and Blur Fix that do nothing but inside the Notes section, contain information and links to the websites for those named advanced techniques (i.e., use Blind Deconvolution). They are under the Sharpen Filter branch called Advanced Techniques - Info. As I've mentioned before, Blur Fix is free and very effective, and there is a free version of Smart Deblur (v 1.7). The Home version of Smart Deblur is $49, and the PRO version, which I use, is $98. Once I set it up, I will post a link to that folder in this thread. Here is how it looks once copied to the AV4W effects folder and expanded.
As always, if you have any problems, please let me know.
Here is a link to the Folder "Advanced Techniques - Info" within my Google Drive that you can copy to your AV4W Effects Folder and have an easy way to learn about and possibly access Smart Deblur and Blur Fix:
Here is a link to Rob Latour's A Viewer For Windows - Version 1.5 - The Movie (about 30 minutes long) if you want to see what AV4W can do.