Are you able to transfer your familysearch tree and data into ancestral quest 16 file (10500 entries
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
As far as I was aware ...
"Ancestral Quest", a 'standalone', Personal, "Family Tree Management" Programme; which, is one of the "Third Party" Applications/Programmes, that is "Certified", to work with the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', HAS the ability to, "Import", Families; individuals/persons; and, specific data, from the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', into "Ancestral Quest" (Version 16).
You many need to do some, reading; research; and, investigation, of "Ancestral Quest" (Version 16), to find out, HOW, to do such.
The ability to, "Import", Families; individuals/persons; and, specific data, from the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', into "Ancestral Quest"(Version 16), is available through "Ancestral Quest".
I know, that this certainly may not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective; and, an avenue to pursue.
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Just quickly ...
Using "Ancestral Quest" (Version 16) ... But, just the FREE "Basics" version ...
Pictorially ...
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
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'Heads-Up' ...
Following, your post ...
I recently 'practiced', what I 'preached' ...
It took, x4 Days (and, I had to keep, "Enabling", the "Process", on a regular basis; as, it kept "Stalling") ...
But ...
That Said ...
I, successfully, "Downloaded", My "Ancestral" Lines, from the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', to the FREE "Basic" version "Ancestral Quest (16)".
The "Downloaded", ONLY included, My "Ancestral" Lines; and, unfortunately, did not "Download" my Wife's, connected, "Ancestral" Lines, like, I was hoping.
And, the "Download", was about x7 to x8 'Times', the amount of individuals/persons, of that figure, of yours.
So ...
That Said ...
Short Answer (to your ORIGINAL 'Question'): 'Yes'.
[ Caveat: But, only one's "Ancestral" Lines, not that of one's Spouse ... ]
I hope, that this may also help/assist, somewhat.