Formal COMPLAINT about "Moderators" BOTH, (1) "Deleting" a 'Comment"; and, (2) "Closing" a 'Post'

"Community.FamilySearch" Forum
Attention: @Mark McLemore
Subject: Formal COMPLAINT about "Moderators" BOTH, (1) "Deleting" a 'Comment"; and, (2) "Closing" a 'Post'
I hereby, submit a "Formal" COMPAINT, about "Moderators" [ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel )] BOTH, (1) "Deleting" a 'Comment'; and, (2) "Closing" a 'Post'.
Furthermore ...
I hereby, ALSO submit a "Formal" COMPAINT, about being WRONGFULLY "Accused", of "Breaching", the "Code of Conduct", in a ("Private") 'Message, by a "Moderator", in this matter.
My 'Comment':
▬ was certainly NOT "Unkind" towards either, any Participant; and/or, any "Moderator" [ie.'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel)]; and/or, this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; and/or, 'FamilySearch'.
▬ was "Constructive"; as, it was TRUTHFUL; and, FACTUAL.
▬ was NOT, conjecture; gossip; nor, debate about the priorities, motives, processes, policies, or competence of 'FamilySearch"; or, its Personnel", rather, again, it was both, TRUTHFUL; and, FACTUAL.
Therefore ...
I DID NOT, of "Breach", the "Code of Conduct", in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, with my 'Comment'; which, should NOT have been DEETED.
Plus, I hereby, ALSO submit a "Formal" COMPAINT, about being, PATRONISED, in a ("Private") 'Message, by the same "Moderator", in this matter.
As I have advise on a number of previous occasions, this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, is NOT the "Sole" PURVIEW, of 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel).
This "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, was established, a number of Years ago, on the basis of:
User/Patrons, HELPING /ASSSITING, Users/Patrons ...
And, the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, has been operating, quite successfully, for those many Years.
Well BEFORE, "Early" LAST Year, with the 'demise' of the 'FamilySearch' "Support" Case (Management) System; and, 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel), basically being "Moved", 'ALL of a SUDDEN' 'holus-bolus' (ie. Included) into the MIX of, this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; where, the Forum was NOT originally designed/established, for that purpose.
There has been some cohesion, of late, with the inclusion of 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel), into this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; but, there is still a ways to go.
"Moderators" [ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel )] CONTINUE to OVERSTEP the 'Bounds' of their purview by, (1) "Editing" some 'Comments'; and, (1) "Deleting" some 'Comments'; and, (2) "Closing" some 'Posts', that DO NOT, "Breach", the "Code of Conduct".
As such ...
Could you please "Reopen" the following post; and, also "Restore" ANY "Deleted" 'Comments' in that 'Post'.
To ALLOW Users/Patron, to continue to express themselves, if they so desire.
FamilySearch Help
'Category' = Indexing
The "Summary" CENSORSHIP, in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, by some of the "Moderators" [ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel )], is becoming intolerable.
As I have previously requested ...
Please STOP the "Moderators" [ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel )], in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, applying their OWN values, to BOTH, 'Posts'; and, 'Comments', that DO NOT, "Breach", the "Code of Conduct".
Please FURTHER curb, the power and authority, some of the "Moderators" [ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel )], in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Otherwise, the purpose and usefulness of this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, will be lost FOREVER.
And, also allow Users/Patrons to respond in BOTH, 'Posts'; and, 'Comments', WITHOUT concern of their 'Posts'; and, 'Comments', being WRONGFULLY summarily, "Edited"; "Deleted"; and/or, "Closed", according to their OWN values, by some "Moderators" [ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel )].
This "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; and, the previous 'iterations' of the 'FamilySearch' "Feedback" Forums, have ALWAYS been the place, for Users/Patrons, to express themselves and their concerns - of course, provided that they are NOT, among other things, Abusive; Nasty; Rude; (Intentionally) Offensive.
Please allow, this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, to continue to be, a place for Users/Patrons, to express themselves and their concerns.
Humbly submitted for your IMMEDIATE, information; attention; and, consideration.
'Thank You' in advance.
Your cooperation, would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
Yours Faithfully,
Hi Brett,
As the FamilySearch community manager, I am responding to your formal complaint. I have requested to meet with you but have received no reply to this request. I am still willing to meet with you if you would like. I have addressed your complaints regarding the moderator warning below.
· Posting comments with lots of caps, bolding, and using language in the way that you did regarding what should or should not be done, is unkind. There are kinder ways to state an opinion and participate in discussions.
· Being constructive means to serve a useful purpose. Your comments weren’t useful to the purpose of our community in promoting family history.
· Stating what FamilySearch should or should not do is conjecture and debate about our priorities, motives, and processes.
As you know, each of these things is against our Code of Conduct. The moderator in question acted in accordance with our code of conduct and moderator processes. No one is targeting you in any way. We are simply following our processes and upholding our Code of Conduct which you continue to violate despite several warnings.
All the best,
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innocent users are accused of abuse by others who have a grudge