What does the "number" correspond to on a WWI military record / monthly roster
Recently I was looking at this document:
and several of the names are pretty washed out, but the numbers are more clear
My question is, what do these numbers correspond to? Are they enlistment numbers? Or some other kinds of identifying number?
And my follow up question is, could I look up this number in some other kind of database?
Those should be the individual soldier's service number. Below is part of your batch image inside the freeware program A Viewer For Windows (AV4W). I cleaned it up using a Sharpening filter chosen from the "Effects" menu. Below is the website where you can learn about it and download it. It's at version 1.4.1, but the movie talks about version 1.1. Rob Latour is the programmer, and I've been working with him on it - suggesting features and testing. AV4W can also level tilted images. You can open and refer to it while indexing.
Fold3.com - subscription fee required after a 7-day free trial - specializes in military records. I don't know if you can search their database using the service number, but you'll see it if you find the image. It could help distinguish one John Smith from another.
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Awesome, thank you!
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You’re welcome.