Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books not working for Hrubov
Hello Family Search,
In the Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books, under Roman Catholic, then under Medzilaborce, then under Hrubov has not been working the last 2 days. It says, "This image is unavailable for online viewing at this time". The first category "Baptisms, closed marriages (Krsty, uzavretých manželstiev) 1890-1895" is working".
However, the second set "Baptisms (Krsty) 1838-1914 Deaths (Úmrtia) 1838-1947 Marriages (Manželstvá) 1838-1933 Baptisms, closed marriages (Krsty, uzavretých manželstiev) 1883-1889" is not working. Please get this working again.
Thank you, Sheila Schueller
Best Answer
I am not connected with FamilySearch.
I suspect this may be a deliberate decision of FamilySearch, not a bug.
If you look at the catalogue record Cirkevná matrika, 1838-1947
"Inv. č. 329 Krsty 1838-1914 -- Úmrtia 1838-1947 -- Manželstvá 1838-1933 -- Inv. 330 Druhopisy krstov, uzavretých manželstiev, úmrtí 1883-1889" Film 1792101 Items 3 - 4, DGS 4406826 you will see that these records are not available to view digitally.
If that is the case, I do not know why they even appear as records to be viewed in the digital set "Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1935" Roman Catholic (Rímsko-katolícká cirkev)/Medzilaborce/Hrubov
If they are restricted, it is very confusing to have them included in a set of records to browse.
There is an error somewhere and It needs to be investigated what is correct and what is incorrect. Either the catalogue record is incorrect and the records should be available digitally, or if the records are not available digitally, they should be deleted from the online collection "Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1935"
That makes total sense what you said and that is probably what's going on. I appreciate your time and effort Maureen.
Thank you, Sheila
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The waypointed collection "Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books" is full of these kinds of useless waypoints. I believe they exist because the waypoints pre-date the GDPR and the resulting careful locking of all of FamilySearch's back and side doors. Those waypoints used to work, but because their groupings could be easily side-stepped to access other parts of the film, they have ceased to function -- but the waypoints haven't been edited in a decade. (Heck, there are still separate waypoints for "Evangelical Reformed" and "Reformed", even though they're Exactly The Same Thing, which I first pointed out to FS in what? 2013?)