can anyone translate this? I think it in German
The top line is German (I think maybe "at Easter 1828"?), but the rest is mostly highly-abbreviated Latin.
2. Johann Martin Zuberbublen [maybe "was born on"?] 19 Nov 1809 of Joh. Barth. ?? ?? and Johanna Alden. The same [i.e. whatever that scribble is at the end of line 1].
3. Jeremias Frischknecht 31 July 1808 of Jeremias Fr. and Cathr. Barb. Alden. GCath.
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There are translation websites as well as private companies. You can also try a local university if you are near one as well as ask if anyone in an area where you live is able to translate for you . One company is Germanology Unlocked> She has a Masters in German and her husband is Austrian and speaks fluent German as well as they both translate old German.
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@Caryl, and when the language turns out to be mostly not-German, as it appears to my [admittedly non-professional] eye?
I think the original poster had the right idea: a community forum or similar "crowdsourced" venue is more likely to be helpful for a small-but-uncertainly-defined task like this. However, the "General Questions" category here gets busy enough that questions get lost easily. Perhaps reposting to an appropriate group (such as Germany Genealogy Research, assuming that the document comes from somewhere in Germany or another German-speaking place) would get the question to some more experienced people.
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Sounds like a plan. Different languages can be tricky