Why doesn't the Search Records facilities work now.
I have found that the new interface is very poor. Please role it back to previous version. The filter doesn't work. I tried to limit area to Somerset, England but it results are still over many locations in UK. Why keep changing interfaces that worked. Is it an Android issue. Will try PC/Chrome or other search engines.
Best Answer
@PamelaMoore7, I certainly understand how frustrated one can be when the search engine doesn't perform as expected.
I took the information that you provided and did a search of the FamilySearch records, using "Any" Life Events = "Somerset, England," and and setting Show Exact Search to On. I received 245 pages of results. Examining the first 25 page, I see only results with events in Somerset, England.
I have no doubt that your search results are as you say they are; but I am really curious why I am having such good results while you are having such bad ones. I will send you a link to my search results, if you are interested.
I used a MacBook Pro, with a Chrome browser for my search. I haven't tried other browsers, but will, just to compare results.
If you'd like to tell me how you did your search (maybe even sending the URL for your search results, I'd like to see what's happening - and perhaps I might be able to help.
I also did the search on my iPhone, with very similar results. I may the the use of the "Show Exact Search" option that may make the difference. Make sure you try your search again with the "Show Exact Search" button moved to the right (in the On position).
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
In relation to, the "Changes" of, the NEW "Search Records"; and, the resulting "Results" page/screen ...
You are certainly not alone ...
We are ALL 'Struggling' ...
And, just in case you, were not aware ...
Here are some FOUR (x4) posts, in date (and, post) order of being posted, from someone, stating, to be part of the 'FamilySearch' Team that, 'Designed'; and, 'Developed", the the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", which appears, in some of the posts, to give some "Instruction", on HOW to use the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records".
"Ideas" (ie. 'Feedback) Section
15 July 2021
[ 1 ] Discussion 90536
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
Hello FamilySearch Community! Try out the new update to Record Search.
29 September 2021
[ 2 ] Discussion 103619
'Category' = General User Interface
Home > Ideas > General User Interface
FamilySearch's Updates to the Search Page
[ 3 ] Discussion 103620
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
FamilySearch Employee Responding to Search Page Feedback
[ 4 ] Discussion 103621
'Category' = Records (Searching And Viewing)
Home > Ideas > Records (Searching And Viewing)
FamilySearch Employee Responding to Search Page Feedback
I hope, that some of the information in these posts, may offer some help/assistance.
And ...
There are OTHER posts throughout this Forum, where the instigator of the above posts has responded with, advice; direction; instruction; help/assistance, on the NEW "Results" page/screen, of "Records Search" ('FamilySearch').
Now ...
That Said ...
You may like to ADD, your thoughts/comments, in those particular posts; so that, your thoughts/comments, like those of MANY other UNHAPPY Users/Patrons, ARE 'seen', by the Team, in 'FamilySearch', that 'Designed'; and, 'Developed" the NEW look "Search".
As you can 'see' from those posts ...
DESPITE, all the NEGATIVE 'Feedback', with regard to the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", from those that matter, the 'lowly' User/Patrons, where the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", was 'foisted' upon them; BEFORE, being "Fully" released to ALL User/Patrons - 'FamilySearch' RELEASED the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", to ALL Users/Patrons.
As I already suggested ...
You are not alone ...
We are ALL "Struggling"; and, NEED "Help", with the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records", which is NOT very 'User Friendly'.
MOST Users/Patrons want the NEW "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records" to be "Reverted" BACK to the PREVIOUS "Results" page/screen, for "Search Records".
But ...
That Said ...
SADLY, I doubt that will happen ...
And ...
Finally ...
'FamilySearch' has made, MINOR "Changes", to the NEW "Search Records"; and, the resulting "Results" page/screen, hopefully such will keep occurring ...
I know, that this DOES NOT help/assist; but, I hope, that this gives you, some additional, insight; and, perspective.