Still not able to use the Notification Button (Bell). It seems to turn on and off.
It is a known issue and is being worked @Rayleen H Barnes . It doesn't work on the home page or a person page. But it does work on other pages. For example, if you are on a person page and click "show all changes", the icon works on the new page.
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It's 'Brett'.
Just in passing ...
I CANNOT get the "Notifications" 'Bell', to work, from ANY page/screen, in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
And ...
I tried in the "Browser(s)" of:
▬ 'Google' "Chrome"; and/or,
▬ 'Mozilla' "FireFox"; and,
▬ 'Microsoft' "Edge'
All, using the "Operating System" of "Windows 10".
All, with the LATEST "Versions" of each.
Just my thoughts.
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It's 'Brett'.
Just in passing ...
The 'Workaround', until the problem/issue, is addressed/fixed, is to use the URL:
Which takes one, to one's "Notifications"; where, the "Default", is the FIRST 'Category', of "Discoveries".
[ ie. URL = ]
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat; as, 'Workaround'.
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It's 'Brett'.
Just in passing ...
I would not expect, that too many, of the Users/Patrons, are using the "Operating System", of "Windows 11".
Perhaps ...
That may be the 'Key' ...
But ...
That Said ...
I am equally certain, that NOT too many, of the Users/Patrons, would even want use the "Operating System", of "Windows 11", yet.
I for one, have no intention, of "Upgrading", to "Windows 11", for some time.
Plus, MANY of the Users/Patrons, may NOT even be able to "Upgrade", to "Windows 11".
I have read, that there are "Requirement" for "Windows 11", that preclude it being used on some computers.
So ...
That Said ...
I would humbly suggest, that for the "Bulk" of us ...
The "Notifications" 'Bell' Icon, DOES NOT work, from ANY page/screen, in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
Just my thoughts.
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You have no basis for saying that @Brett . You have no way of knowing how many people are using Win 11. I have used it since it became available and had zero issues with it.
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It's 'Brett'.
My basis, for saying what I said, was due to my many Years of "Experience", helping/assisting OTHERS.
Both, in my former 'Full-Time' Career (working alongside "Programmers"; as, a "Users Representative"); and, within the Church, in my Admin/Technology/Family History 'Callings' ...
I care NOT about how many Users/Patrons are CURRENTLY using "Windows 11".
And ...
As of yet, as far as I can recall, NOT many Users/Patrons, have indicated that they are using "Windows 11".
But, 'Yes', there could be, some; or, even many ...
Each to their own ...
From "Experience", I ALREADY know, NOT to be TOO "Quick", to "Upgrade"; especially, with regards to "Operating Systems".
I would rather wait, 'until the dust settles' ...