Locating specific images in FamilySearch Images

Dear all,
Is it possible to locate specific images in FS Images using the "index" shown on the top right?
For example in the below image the "index" says that for "Villabate, Palermo..." there are some images referring to "Death certificates 1827-1868", but is there a fast way I can locate these images or do I have go through all them?
Thank you so much!
Best Answers
Thanks for posting your question.
These images are as yet, unindexed, and so to access their data you will need to laboriously search through them individually to find any information that might be of use to you. There are projects underway to simplify this a little, but for the moment, the 'long search' is all that is available. However, take heart, as it's often time well spent, as I managed to discover three generations of my family (parents and children) dating back to the 1500's for the price of a couple of hour's searching - it also gave me some interesting insights into life at that time.
Best of luck with all that you do.
Kind regards,
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You'll get more information going through the Catalog. (This is one of many reasons I don't use Images at all.)
The second page of Film/Digital Notes for "Registri ecclesiastici di Palermo (Palermo), 1449-1894" (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/464031) indicates that Item 1 of film 1874278 (DGS 7808081: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS9G-XNB4?mode=g&cat=464031) contains baptisms, marriages, and deaths from 1827 to 1868 for the collected filiates Tommaso Natale, Bagheria, Pallavicino, Zisa, Conte Federico, Maredolce, Villabate, Mezzomonreale, S. Nicola, and Falsomiele.
Looking at the film, it appears to start with an index by given name (images 4 to 27), followed by death records arranged first by filiate, then by date.