passenger list
Best Answer
If you look at the examples in the Project Instructions (see bottom of Entry Field), you will see that many do not include dates.
Field instructions: If the date [day/month/year] was not recorded or was written as a variation of the word "unknown," press Ctrl+B to mark this field blank.
You might also try looking at previous images to see if they show the arrival/departure dates at the top of the page since this looks like it might be the last page since there are number totals at the bottom under the columns for adults and children.
To View Additional Images
1. In the top corner of the image window, in the vertical toolbar, click the Reference Images icon.
2. A split screen will appear. Your current batch is on the left. Below the screen on the right, click a thumbnail next to the image you are currently indexing.
- The page on the right shows additional images that appear before and after your batch. At the bottom of the page (My Batch: # of #), click the < to see previous pages, and the >to see pages after your batch. [NOTE: These pages are for reference only. DO NOT INDEX!]
- Look for a title/header on a previous page that would indicate it you batch was a continuation of it.
Please post the URL or batch code where the question is related to.
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Image Name008132042_00515Batch IDM3GF-L8Y
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I found the date on the reference image for my last batch in this project. It was reference -1 and was the first page of the list that I was working on.
I can not look at your reference images so can't look that up for you.