How do I get a new image when all entries w/ names are indexed?
Best Answer
You have no more records to index. What you have is a default number of entries not the actual number needed. Go the the garbage can in the toolbar menu above the image window. Click that then> delete all blank entries. That will allow you to submit your completed batch.
Thank you for indexing this batch and for asking for help. You are doing great!
The question field above is not long enough to fully present my questions:
I indexed 6 recorded transactions that contained names. The Entry interface for the image expects 25 entries. There are not that many. I tried to submit, but got a message that multiple fields were not complete. So I'm stuck, unless I can load a new image and continue to 25 entries. What do I do?
The instructions say "Index all records with a name." Does the term "record" mean the all data in the image or just the individual transactions on displayed pages?
Example instructions say, "Note that each entry should be indexed." Does the term "entry" mean the individual fields within a transaction or the entire transaction, even if it does not have a name?
The title "Entry 7 of 25" on the data entry area seems to indicate the "Entry" applies to an entire transaction. So referring to the previous questions, should all transactions on the image/pages be indexed or only those containing names?
Sorry if I'm being too picky about this. Just want to get it right and some of these terms seem to have multiple meanings.
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An entry is made up of the multiple fields where you type in data from the image. Each image can have one or more entries. The term record, as used in the instructions, means separate entries.
You need to share your batch in order to answer question about whether all the entries should be indexed if they don't have a name.
Hang in there, once you share your batch, someone will be able to help you out.
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Here is a link to the indexing glossary, where you will find definitions of various terms used indexing. with one for the the General indexing Guidelines, a link to this vpessential resource should be front and center on the Indexing Q&A home page. Here are a couple of definitions from it that may help in this discussion. And this Glossary should guide the Instruction composers so that we’re all speaking the same “language” when it comes to indexing.
Record: A record is information about an event, such as a birth, marriage, or death, from a historical document. A record is not to be confused with an entry, which is information about the record that has been entered into the indexing program.
Entry: An entry is information about a record from a historical document that has been entered into the indexing program. An entry is often required for each person mentioned in a historical record. An image may show more than one record of an event. For example, an obituary may mention the name of the deceased as well as give a list of relatives, or a church record may show several marriages on one document.
Field: A field is a named box or cell for entering information in the data entry area. Some fields require information be entered and are marked with an asterisk after the field name.
I like to think of Fields as existing on both Records and Entries (e.g. names, ages, dates). We can’t capture every Field from a record, but we get the ones requested (and certainly the required (*) ones.
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Thanks for the helpful responses. I was able to close the batch, and the glossary reference does clarify things.
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Glad you were able to to figure things out. John Empoliti used to be a teacher and is great at explaining things.
Wait until you see the examples he sometimes provides. 😄
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