Why are new documents posted in front of older documents `posted years ago?
When we post multi-page letters, your ranking puts newest entries first, so letters appear as page 4, page 3, page 2, page 1. Each new document appears first and bumps all prior documents down. All patrons must learn to know in advance how many pages a document will contain and attach them in reverse order so the reader of documents can read them in logical order. Why not program documents in logical order of first posted always remains first and later posting appear after the first postings? Then documents posted first would always remain first and new postings would appear in logical order at the end of the postings. Your computer is programmed for illogical order instead of logical order. You are forcing all users to learn by error and apply reverse order thinking instead of logical order in posting page 1 first, page 2 second and so on. It is complicated enough to learn to just do it without having to learn and apply illogical thinking to add document postings.
thats one reason that paginated items should really be converted to a pdf (before uploading to FS) and loaded as a single multi page item and not individual jpg image files - nothing more annoying than 50 pages loaded disjointly and then shown in reverse or random order.
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Here is an example of a 50 page pdf document all in a single file upload.
You can either scan your items to pdf
or you can convert multiple image files to a single pdf.
Let us know if you need more details.
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here is information about scanning that can show you more or less how to scan a multipage item to a single pdf file
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By the way
THIS is a FREE on line service that can join multiple image files you may have into a single PDF file:
But for anyone scanning multi-page items that they will upload into FS Memories
they really should be scanning to pdf from the get-go and not scanning to multiple JPG files.
That way your multiple pages are kept joined to each other in a single file.