South Africa, Johannesburg—Cemetery Records, 1840–2019. M3L9-NBF

Should this batch be marked as No Extractable Data? It is a list of the purchaser of the grave not of the person buried. There is no field available for this information.
someone else started on the batch but returned it. Maybe that was the reason.
Best Answer
This is the first page of a two-page spread. Some of them are scanned as two separate pages and some as a spread. See example below. When scanned as two separate pages, all of the pertinent data should be entered from the first (left-hand) page. Whoever gets the second (right-hand) page would check it as No, No Extractable Data.
Follow the General Indexing Guidelines for What to Do When Records Span 2 Images or to View Additional Images in the Project Instructions.
@LarryClark43 I would because all you have is the record date and the burial date.
Hope this helps.
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I would say no, no extractable data. We have the purchaser info, but not the one who is being buried.
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MinnWisRoots Thank you for your help, I was aware that there was a second page but thought that as the names were on the second page that the person getting that batch would do the indexing. I will index the batch using the reference image.
Thanks everyone for your comments and help.
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Reverse order for this particular West Park Cemetery Private Graves Register since my example didn't load and I've had a chance to view the second page separately.
When scanned as two separate pages, all of the pertinent data should be entered from the second (right-hand) page. Whoever gets the first (left-hand) page would check it as No, No Extractable Data.
Sorry about that. Other cemetery registers don't follow this pattern. 😕
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Sorry too late it is already indexed and submitted. No problem as long as both sides don't mark it as No,
No Extractable Data.
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Hopefully, a Reviewer will catch it and send it back for reindexing.