Does anyone know why Meznar is listed here, after the man's name?

If it was listed next to the woman's name, I would think it might be her maiden name. This may be my great-uncle, Franc Pavčič, who's mother died when he was very young and was taken care of by the people in his village. Thank you for any help.
Dear @Krista99 ,
In Italy, many tombstones report the name of the two spouses. In the case of this tombstone, I would think that Paučič Antonia is the wife's name while Frank Meznar is Antonia's husband.
I hope this can help!
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Thank you Massimo. The grave is in Sostro Slovenia. Why do you think it is the wife's name that is the prominent name and not the husband's? Maybe he was not Slovenian but if he died there, is it then common for the Slovenian name to be featured on the tombstone? Or maybe she she did not take his name for some reason?
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Dear @Krista99 ,
I can't be 100% sure that Paučič is referred to Antonia instead to Franc and also that Franc is her husband, but usually when on a gravestone a surname after a name is missing refers to the top surname and then as I could know Mežnar is a surname, so I can suppose, but it's just a my personal opinion, that the surname of Antonia is Paučič and Franc Mežnar is her husband.
Looking for other FS groups I've found a group specialized in Eastern Europe research so you can try to submit your request to them in order to have a more specific answer 😀
Below I report the group's link
I hope that can help
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Thank you Massimo!
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I think that the "Mežnar" after Franc's name (separate by a comma) may refer to his position as "Mežnar" or sexton of the church to which he belonged. It is an important office in the church since the mežnar is the one who looks after the church grounds, supervises burials, etc. I know that in Croatian and Slovenian vital records the priest often makes a note about who the sextons (meznars), were.
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Thank you for that answer. Do you think if we was the Mežnar at a particular church, would the cemetery in which he was buried in be the church was he was the Mežnar for?