Search the Family Tree for persons I have edited?

I want to search for every person born in a particular location whose record I have previously edited. Is this possible? I have edited many thousands of records so going through them one by one is not an option.
I'm open to any way of doing this that takes at most a couple of hours of work.
Thank you JBPurdie, but for some reason your image only shows up as an hourglass on my screen. Also I should add that I know how to find my contributions in a list that is searchable by name but not by any other detail to my knowledge.
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Thanks for your help JBPurdie. I think I better explain the situation. I've done a DNA-test and found a cluster of fairly close relatives that doesn't fit on my tree. I have found their common ancestors. They were born in Kristvalla, Kalmar, Sweden and I know I have previously edited several records from that same location. I would like to find all those records so that I can finally piece our two trees together. I have created around 5000 PIDs so it would take a very very long time to do this manually without a way to filter or search all those records.
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There is no easy way of listing data in this way in FamilySearch itself. However, with software such as Ancestral Quest, Legacy or RootsMagic, there are features for creating bespoke lists of many thousands of names.
You could have—for example—PID, first name, other names and last name columns, and date of birth and place of birth columns.
Of course you would need to download your tree information from FamilySearch to do this, but this is the wonder of these software programmes, that they have the ability to connect with FamilySearch and actually download our trees. They are immensely powerful programmes and I do recommend them for the purpose you are envisaging.
Be successful! Cheerio and thank you for you enquiry.
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Hello David and thank you!
This might do exactly what I need assuming one of two things is true :
1) The missing link is already in my tree somewhere
2) I can also download all my contributions not already in my tree.
Is the latter possible?
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Dear @jhagg you could use your "My contributions" list accessing it from the top menu in your tree or via this link:
I hope this can help!
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I am in a similar situation with about 20k person profiles created, and countless more edited, so there is no way I could watch them all. I have found no practical way to track them on FT or any partner program. I cannot even find all heads of tree fragments of interest.
So, @jhagg, count your blessings that you have a village to limit your search. You could use Find with the village name to pull up all profiles, then peek at their change logs.
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I have just looked at my tree using the link given by @dontiknowyou and simply selected a couple of years of the rows for the 3 columns for change information, and pasted this in to an Excel Sheet. I had 329 changes.
So, I recommend you choose a year at a time: make the selection and paste into a Tab for each year, in the Excel sheet.
Let us know what you think