Glitches in the "Find a Family History Center and FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries" map

More glitches, I'm afraid, this time on the portion of the map showing the Washington area:
In Arlington, Virginia, the map pins an entry for the Illinois Coal City Public Library District.
In the District of Columbia, pins link to entries for Florida's Sarasota County Libraries as well as Menasha, Wisconsin's Elisha D. Smith Public Library.
It looks like a street, rather than the city and state, is what triggers a pin's text information. For example, in D.C., the pin on 1st Street NW is said to be the library that happens to be on 1st Street in Sarasota.
The map would *not* show me the Washington, D.C., Family History Center in Kensington, Maryland, or the McLean and Annandale centers in Virginia today. Gone or just un-mapped?
The only resource shown correctly on the map for my area today was the DAR affiliate library in D.C.
If anyone else happens by this thread with an immediate need:
Google Maps accurately pinpointed centers and libraries in my area for me today, and I found FamilySearch Wiki has text-based lists.
Thanks very much for any fixes you can arrange to have made to the map.