Relatives at RootsTech
I would like to know how long "Relatives at RootTech" has been at RootsTech? Every previous year I have NEVER found anyone except immediate family on my Italian line. This year I was so excited to connect with a cousin in Italy! He even added pictures to the FamilyTree! Thank you, FamilySearch!!
Best Answer
I'm so glad you had such a positive experience!! Relatives at RootsTech has been around for several years (not sure the exact number) but in various forms. It started with the 'in-person' RootsTech event where you could see how you were related to RootsTech participants within the event venue. It's also part of the Relatives Around Me found in the Family Tree app. It just keeps ebbing into what we have today and I'm sure it will continue to evolve. 🙂
Thank you, Sam. I have been to RootsTech in person and that was always fun! It is even more fun to find a cousin living in Italy!!