Are the patrons using the Get Involved feature be reported in the Family History Activity Report

Will the number of patrons from a ward using the Get Involved feature in FamilySearch be reported in the Family History Activity Report each month?
DL Melville
We are wondering.
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What is the "Family History Activity Report" and can it been seen by us?
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it is available to ward leaders, on the Clerk & Leadership Resources menu
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You can see the activity by going to your stake or ward indexing group. Anyone can look at them but you cannot see individual information. To find that go to the Web Indexing page then go to the very bottom. If you are LDS you will see your stake and ward so click on either of those. If you are not a member of the church just find out what ward you would be in then go to the Find Groups and search for that ward.
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The review names activity under Get Involved is not Indexing. So it will not be counted in the Indexing reports, nor will it appear in the FHAR Indexing statistics.
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Please note the Indexing groups do not include statistics from this Get Involved Review project.
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You can view your Names Review statistics here on the My Opportunities page:
There are discussions currently underway regarding how the Names Review (and other review activities) will be counted for ward/stake reporting. It is a different activity than indexing so it will not be combined with indexing statistics. Stay tuned...
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thnx ctr sweetie 😊
we do a couple of month long indexing events in the ward - inviting the members to participate. If we set a goal, its usually just a count of how many members did some indexing....usually based on how many participated the last time - no publicity as to who, etc. ... just a count of the number of members that did at least 1 name. It would be nice if it were possible to see how many members participated in the Names Review... no need to see individual numbers. We are in the middle of our March Gladness indexing event - 2 weeks ago priesthood quorum and relief society did a short introduction to Get Involved/Review Names & invited members to Review Names. We suggested that doing some Review Names would count towards participation/helping with March Gladness... and asked them to report that they did some to the T&FH Ldr. A report would be nice to have though...not a big deal - just input as "discussions currently underway" continue...