Regarding "Review Names"
There needs to be detailed instructions for "Review Names"........ not for the obvious, simple corrections. For example: when the computer indexes "City" as in Kansas City as a name, I assume we are to click on "transcription error" and then select the box "not a name" and click submit. However, the box with error still shows on the screen. Do we just click "match" or do we blank out the box and then click "match"?
#2.... Three match boxes pop up and each box has: JrBrown Az Jopnson. In the single box that we get to correct errors do we enter: Brown A Johnson? Does that fix the three computer indexing errors.
What throws me off is when two, three, four match boxes pop up but we only have one box to make the needed corrections. I'm not 100% sure I'm taking the correct action.
John, Atlanta
good questions...
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The situation I mention in my first paragraph above has been fixed. Now when you select "Transcription Error" and select "not a name" (or any other box) and click on "submit" the box with the error goes away and the next item is brought up.
I've done 3,000 name corrections and I'm 98% sure some of the documents are recycled back for re-checking. There were several documents that sure looked familiar ..... I remembered the computer errors. In fact at one point I think I was getting the same document three times in a row! I switched to a different state. I noticed the recycling mostly for Pennsylvania documents.
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I'm learning much better now how the system works.🙂