email query

Hi, I've looked to try and find a way to ask this question.
I signed up for Rootstech but the reminders are coming to my old email address. I've looked @ my Familysearch account and it has my correct gmail account so why am I getting emails to the account which will no longer be active in 3 months (this is because I have changed my broadband provider). How do I ensure that all communication comes to the correct account? Or is it possible I have created two accounts. Sorry to ask here, I expect its really basic!
When I signed up (yesterday, yes, Procrastinators R Us), I had to fill in my email address. My browser provided the usual choices in a drop-down, which I remember because I happened to have my keyboard set to Hungarian at the time, so I couldn't type the "at" symbol, but with the drop-down, I didn't need to.
Perhaps your browser is set up similarly, and you chose the old email out of sheer habit?
That said, I cannot find any place to even look up my choice of email, never mind changing it. There's a Settings at the bottom of the hamburger menu at the top right of, and there's an Update Your Settings at the bottom of, but I don't see my email in either place.
But if the email will only go away three months from now, then the question is kind of moot: the event will be long over by then.
(Out of curiosity, have you checked your FamilySearch account's email? It can be found under Account in your Settings, which you can access by clicking your name or nickname at the top right on any "main" FS page.)